Services Overview

I am passionate about healing one's body, mind and soul. My services cover all the needs your soul may be searching for, weather it be through a spirit reading, Reiki, Hypnosis Therapy or the various card reading available for you. I encourage you to follow your intuition and call today.

* Gift certificates are available.

* Payment through etransfer

* Appointments can be done in person, or via Skype, FaceTime or Phone



I am clairvoyant, clairsentenent, clairaudient and have clairempathy which means I'm able to receive messages from feelings and pain as well as see, hear and feel spirit. I have found in my journey that spirits, guides, and angels tend to give messages that are very healing for ones soul. You can expect a session to last between thirty to forty five minutes. It's important to have an open mind with no expectations as spirit is in control of the messages that you will receive.

Psychic/Medium Reading $100

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Reiki is an autonomous and intelligent energy form, which accelerates the body's natural self-healing capabilities. It works to balance your energies on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Reiki opens up our chakra's and helps to balance the immune system. I am able to send Reiki in absentee as reiki will work beyond physical space/time. I have been practicing Reiki since 1997 becoming a Independent Reiki master teacher. I provide personalized one on one instruction and mentoring. Attain Reiki I, II, Advanced, Master /Teacher Certification. Bring a friend receive a discount.

Reiki $100


Many people intentionally or unintentionally invite negative spirits into their home. In some cases they will attach themselves to you, at first being mistaken for crossed over loved ones. These entities can reek havoc in ones life as their soul purpose is to create misery causing depression, illness and at times injury to you and your family. Do you know the difference between a spirit, ghost or Demon? Are you brave enough to investigate and find out what might be haunting you or your home.

House and Body Clearings

Did you know that places carry energy just like people do. Negative energy can linger everywhere including cloths, curtains, and people making it a factor for our own well being. Has their been illness or arguments causing a built up of residue? Take a moment to stop and feel does your environment need to be cleansed? Clearing and purifying your space will help to improve the energy to create a sense of peace and tranquility in yourself and your environment.

House Clearings $150.00

Body Clearings $25


Hypnosis Therapy & Meditations

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness in which a person is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. Hypnosis therapy is a method of holistic healing that helps create positive results in all aspects of your life. Hypnotherapy has the potential to help you achieve wellness and life goals.



  • Flying

  • Dentist

  • Heights

  • Spiders & Snakes


  • Smoking

  • Alcohol

  • Gambling


  • Weight loss

  • Depression

  • O.C.D.

  • Anxiety

These are just some examples of the many scripts I offer. Inquire with me if you are in need of a authentic script written to fit your personal needs.

Meditating will create a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and overall health. In this state the mind is quite creating a space to be free of worries, fears, or stress. I provide many guided meditations to help you achieve what ever accomplishment you desire.


  • Past Life Regression

  • Chakra Clearing

  • Contacting your Spirit Guide

  • Healing

  • Inner -self

  • Self Mastery/Sexuality

  • Healing Your Body

  • Doorway to the Soul

    Doorway to the Soul Masterclass - Through this experience you will learn to open yourself Spiritually to develop an awareness of your soul. You will learn ways to recognize stuck points that are truly unhealthy. This chores will stimulate your inner process of growth., It will be helpful in expanding your understanding of how you as a human being are connected to the spiritual realities of life. This experience includes a guided meditation, opening up the doorway to your soul. This is best offered in a group setting.,

Hypnosis & Meditation Therapy $100


Angel Card Readings

Your Angels, guides and spirit teachers will assist you when you are looking for guidance with your life path. The lessons the angels cards will cover all aspects in your life and centers on spiritual advance. Angel messages provide encouragement in a positive way for whatever challenges you may be facing.

Angel Card Reading $60


Past Life Reading

Your eternal soul has lived other lifetimes that affect your current career, health, relationships, family and life lessons. A past life reading will give you understanding as to what past life most effects you today. This reading will stimulate your spiritual growth and have a positive impact on your present life.

Past Life Reading $30

Romance Card Reading

The Romance Angel Cards will answer ALL of your love life questions. Do you find yourself asking any one of these questions? If so then a romance reading is for you.

Where's my soul mate?

When will I get married?

Is he /she the one for me?

Romance Card Reading $30


Life Purpose Reading

Each and everyone of us has a equally important purpose. Before you were born you worked with Angels and Guides to orchestrate a life mission, which is called your life purpose. Knowing what your life purpose is helps to ensue your souls growth.

What might your life purpose be?

Life Purpose Reading $30